Category: R News

Le Monde puzzle [#1099]

A simple 2×2 Le Monde mathematical puzzle: Arielle and Brandwein play a game out of two distinct even integers between 1500 and 2500,  and y. Providing one another with either...continue reading.

Shiny v1.3.2

We’re excited to announce the release of Shiny v1.3.2. This release has two main features: a new reactivity debugging tool we call reactlog, and much faster serving of static file...continue reading.

A Few Old Books

Greg Wilson is a data scientist and professional educator at RStudio. My previous column looked at a few new books about R. In this one, I’d like to explore a...continue reading.

R oder Python

Data Science Einsteiger stehen immer wieder vor der gleichen Frage: Welche Programmiersprache sollte man als Erstes lernen? Die Wahl fällt meistens auf eine der beiden großen Anbieter, R oder Python....continue reading.