Little useless-useful R functions – QR-Code Clock
Ever wanted to have a clock on the wall or in the office, that is not binary. But it is QR-Code clock 🙂 Well, now you can have it. This...continue reading.
Ever wanted to have a clock on the wall or in the office, that is not binary. But it is QR-Code clock 🙂 Well, now you can have it. This...continue reading.
Let’s play with some words. More in particular with vanishing words. Using two packages: ggplot2 and gganimate we will construct a animation (looped), where sentences will be vanishing, word by...continue reading.
My family entry into the “Dear Nightingale” analogue data creation challenge. Using puppy olympic competition data for our personal dataset and clay to make a 3D dataviz.continue reading.
Learn how to create your own virtual data art gallery.continue reading.
Plot() function is R’s most generic function for plotting different types of graphs. And making a animation of sample graphs with is as useless as it can be useful for...continue reading.
Why performing an early mockup of your data visualization can help increase the speed and successful adoption of your project.continue reading.
An overview of my entry into the WIA data visualization competition with my 8 year old, Pokémon obsessed daughter!continue reading.
As a supplement to a recently published study by Marcel Helbig and Katja Salomo (available only in German) about socioeconomic … Read More →continue reading.
A quick tutorial showing how to use the tiktokrmd R package to display TikTok videos in .Rmd files and then serve them up on GitHub pages.continue reading.
Great new features have bundled and are now available in Power BI. With December 2020 update, all of the features described in this blog post will be available. Once you...continue reading.
The Question I am a sucker for IMDb ratings so don’t judge me. They are my priors before watching almost anything on a screen (home screen that is). But between...continue reading.
This is very useful esp. when you want to use a high-resolution screenshot for a poster/printout. I currently don’t find a way in Safari to save the screenshot in Responsive...continue reading.
Yes, the name of today’s function is wacky, because it gives you the flickering feeling when running it with x11() function. In addition is uses simple square root and cosine...continue reading.
I just released my first open-source package: pelotonR! The package was created to provide users with sample access to Peloton data through R. Learn more at the website: reading.
Power BI measures are mainly used to show and visualize data, that can be measured. But from time to time, end-users will want to have measures to be easily selected...continue reading.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s apparent that location data gathered by private IT companies and telcos is a primary source … Read More →continue reading.
COVID-19 or Coronavirus pandemic has a huge and unpredictable effect on our lives. I wanted to see the speed and spreading of the virus across countries. And the following is...continue reading.
COVID-19 or Coronavirus pandemic is having an unpredictable and huge impact on our lives, so I wanted to see the speed with which it spreads across countries. The following is...continue reading.
Sharing some of my favorite data science and data foundation books for young kids!continue reading.
Power BI support certain type of visuals that are by default available in the document. These are absolutely great and work perfectly fine, have a lot of capabilities to set...continue reading.