Category: R News

vroom 1.0.0

I’m excited to announce that vroom 1.0.0 is now available on CRAN! vroom reads rectangular data, such as comma separated (csv), tab separated (tsv) or fixed width files (fwf) into...continue reading.

Free online r course

Recently a young relative mentioned that the campus R course she hoped to attend was full. What online alternatives did she have? So, I decided to start one of my...continue reading.

L. Collado-Torres

This article is originally published at Thanks for visiting This article is originally published at Please visit source website for post related comments.continue reading.

Bayesian models in R

If there was something that always frustrated me was not fully understanding Bayesian inference. Sometime last year, I came across an article about a TensorFlow-supported R package for Bayesian analysis,...continue reading.