Author: xi'an

Monte Carlo [exam]

My final exam for the Monte Carlo course I taught last semester proved too much of a challenge for my fourth year students, despite being rather elementary and centred on...continue reading.

filogenesi della pasta ripiena

This article is originally published at Thanks for visiting This article is originally published at Please visit source website for post related comments.continue reading.

mixture models [book review]

Strangely enough, I became aware of this new book on mixtures through one of these annoying emails “Your work has been cited n times this week“… Mixture Models (Parametric, Semiparametric,...continue reading.

merely fiddlin

For any positive, base-10 integer N, define f(N) as the number of times you have to add up its digits until you get a one-digit number. Find the smallest whole...continue reading.

operation precisely impossible

Since the solution to the previous riddle from The Riddler on the maximum of  different terms in the composed operation a∅b∅c∅d∅e∅f depending on the bracketing ordering and the meaning of...continue reading.

operation impossible

A riddle from The Riddler on how many different numbers one could at most produce from six initial values and the four basic operations. In other words, how many values...continue reading.

StanCon 2023 [20-23 July 2023]

This article is originally published at Thanks for visiting This article is originally published at Please visit source website for post related comments.continue reading.

alone in Napoli

A combinatorics puzzle from The Riddler about a Napoli solitaire where 4 x 10 cards numbered from 1 to 10 are shuffled and the game is lost when a number...continue reading.

The Effect [book review]

While it sounds like the title of a science-fiction catastrophe novel or of a (of course) convoluted nouveau roman, this book by Nick Huntington-Klein is a massive initiation to econometrics...continue reading.

latest math stats exam

As I finished grading our undergrad math stats exam (in Paris Dauphine) over the weekend, which was very straightforward this year, the more because most questions had already been asked...continue reading.