Foliage 2023
The days are getting shorter and when we were visiting Down East Maine the other week, there was just a hint of some trees starting to change up their leaf...continue reading.
The days are getting shorter and when we were visiting Down East Maine the other week, there was just a hint of some trees starting to change up their leaf...continue reading.
It doesn’t take a data scientist to use R – that’s the point we’ll prove in today’s article. If you’re an experienced Excel user, you’ve likely run into some hard...continue reading.
NASA has been collecting surface temperature for more than over 100 years, and the GISS Surface Temperature analysis from 1888 onward. It is an estimate of global surface temperature change....continue reading.
I was cranking out a blog post for work earlier this week that shows off just how many integrations our platform has. I won’t blather about that content here, but...continue reading.
I have graphics working in Vanilla JS WebR, now, and I’ll cover the path to that in two parts. The intent was to jump straight into ggplot2-land, but, as you...continue reading.
Travelling Salesman Problem is an NP-complete problem and an old mathematical problem. For this useless function, we will look for the nearest city from the previous city (or starting point)...continue reading.
The Moonies are up on their mountain, the lunatics have taken over the asylum, waiting on the rapture (The Daily Mail, Radiohead) I have not write any post lately, maybe...continue reading.
The New York Times had a [tragic] story on Covid deaths today and one of their plots really stuck with me for how well it told that part of the...continue reading.
This blog is about getting corporate identity graphics ready in R using ggplot. Many corporates have decent identity Powerpoint decks and Excel templates available to work with, they might even...continue reading.
This blog is about getting corporate identity graphics ready in R using ggplot. Many corporates have decent identity Powerpoint decks and Excel templates available to work with, they might even...continue reading.
The French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition (for which I’m currently working) is ongoing a process of opening data related to energy consumption. Each year, we publish data...continue reading.
A short overview of the functionalities of the R package gganimate: Learn how to turn your static ggplots in beautiful animations showcasing your data. Der Beitrag Animated Plots using ggplot...continue reading.
I woke up to Axios’ “1 Big Thing” ridgeline chart showing the crazy that was the 2019 news cycle: and, I decided to reproduce it in {ggplot2}. Getting The Data...continue reading.
Time flies by and we are more people now here at STATWROX. But, did we change our behavior in using emojis or are we still the same? I am revisiting...continue reading.
The latest round of the 2020 Democratic debates is over and the data from all the 2019 editions of the debates have been added to {ggchicklet}. The structure of the...continue reading.
The first U.S. Democratic debates of the 2020 election season were held over two nights this past week due to the daft number of candidates running for POTUS. The spiffy...continue reading.
I’ve become a big fan of the {logspline} package over the past ~6 months and decided to wrap up a manual ggplot2 plotting process (well, it was at least in...continue reading.
A user of the {ggalt} package recently posted a question about how to add points to a geom_dumbbell() plot. For now, this is not something you can do with geom_dumbbell()...continue reading.
I caught a re-tweet of this tweet by @harry_stevens: THREAD: I wrote a post on @observablehq about a map I made today. It shows a typical day in the life...continue reading.
I’m pleased to anounce an update of my sjPlot-package, a package for Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science. Thanks to the help of Alexander, it is now possible to...continue reading.