Category: Rstat

Monte Carlo [exam]

My final exam for the Monte Carlo course I taught last semester proved too much of a challenge for my fourth year students, despite being rather elementary and centred on...continue reading.

filogenesi della pasta ripiena

This article is originally published at Thanks for visiting This article is originally published at Please visit source website for post related comments.continue reading.

R GUI Reviews Updated

I have just finished updating my reviews of graphical user interfaces for the R language. These include BlueSky Statistics, jamovi, JASP, R AnalyticFlow, R Commander, R-Instat, Rattle, and RKward. The...continue reading.

mixture models [book review]

Strangely enough, I became aware of this new book on mixtures through one of these annoying emails “Your work has been cited n times this week“… Mixture Models (Parametric, Semiparametric,...continue reading.