Category: R News

rstudio::conf 2019

Last week RStudio hosted their conference, rstudio::conf, in Austin and a whole lot of members of the R community came to see what’s new, where the community and the field...continue reading.

simmer 4.2.1

The 4.2.1 release of simmer, the Discrete-Event Simulator for R, is on CRAN with quite interesting new features and fixes. As discussed in the mailing list, there is a way...continue reading.

Rcrastinate is moving.

Hi all, this is just an announcement.I am moving Rcrastinate to a blogdown-based solution and am therefore leaving If you’re interested in the new setup and how you could...continue reading.

RStudio Connect 1.7.0

RStudio Connect is the publishing platform for everything you create in R. In conversations with our customers, R users were excited to have a central place to share all their...continue reading.