Nightingale Kids Data Visualization Competition
My family entry into the “Dear Nightingale” analogue data creation challenge. Using puppy olympic competition data for our personal dataset and clay to make a 3D dataviz.continue reading.
My family entry into the “Dear Nightingale” analogue data creation challenge. Using puppy olympic competition data for our personal dataset and clay to make a 3D dataviz.continue reading.
Learn how to create your own virtual data art gallery.continue reading.
Why performing an early mockup of your data visualization can help increase the speed and successful adoption of your project.continue reading.
The pelotonR package provides users with simple access to the Peloton API data through R function calls.continue reading.
An overview of my entry into the WIA data visualization competition with my 8 year old, Pokémon obsessed daughter!continue reading.
“Machine Learning for Kids” is a website that educates children on the subject of Machine learning through hands on play.continue reading.
A package which enables fast EDA and easy onboarding to ggplot through drag and drop chartscontinue reading.
The Data Asset Exchange (DAX) offers easy navigation of open datasets for AI that are ready to use in enterprise AI applications.continue reading.
A quick tutorial showing how to use the tiktokrmd R package to display TikTok videos in .Rmd files and then serve them up on GitHub pages.continue reading.
Learn how to display your pretty R tables in GitHub by hosting your .Rmd html output with GitHub pages.continue reading.
I just released my first open-source package: pelotonR! The package was created to provide users with sample access to Peloton data through R. Learn more at the website: reading.
Sharing some of my favorite data science and data foundation books for young kids!continue reading.
A week full of very easy data gathering and visualization activities to do with your young kids!continue reading.
A few weeks ago, my tweet on the R patchwork package went nerd viral. I analyze the tweet performance and possible impact on the patchwork package downloads. I’ll arrange the...continue reading.
Wishing all of my fellow data geeks a very happy holiday season. Celebrating by creating Holiday e-Card themed R graphs.continue reading.
See which US states are most excited about Thanksgiving. Explore Google search popularity for the keyword “thanksgiving” using gTrendsR while creating easy US maps in R using the usmap package.continue reading.
Which season of the bachelor really was the most dramatic ever? Analyze the relative popularity of the bachelor franchise seasons as measured by their google search traffic using R, gtrendsR,...continue reading.
Learn how to create an icon map in R with ggmap and ggimage!continue reading.
Tips and tricks to creating easy to follow technical tutorials.continue reading.
Quickly and easily explore your individual data set or compare datasets in R with the Inspectdf function!continue reading.