Category: R News

discrim 0.0.1

The new package discrim contains parsnip bindings for additional classification models, including: Linear discriminant analysis (LDA, simple and L2 regularized) Regularized discriminant analysis (RDA, via Friedman (1989)) Flexible discriminant analys…continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1114]

Another very low-key arithmetic problem as Le Monde current mathematical puzzle: 32761 is 181² and the difference of two cubes, which ones? And 181=9²+10², the sum of two consecutive integers....continue reading.

Merge MLP And CNN in Keras

In the post (, it was shown how to build a merge-layer DNN by using the Keras Sequential model. In the example below, I tried to scratch a merge-layer DNN...continue reading.

Shiny 1.4.0

Shiny 1.4.0 has been released! This release mostly focuses on under-the-hood fixes, but there are a few user-facing changes as well. If you’ve written a Shiny app before, you’ve probably...continue reading.