Category: R News

Some 2020 R Conferences

rstudio::conf kicked off the 2020 season for R conferences last week with record attendance somewhere north of twenty-one hundred. Session topics ranged from business to science, marketing to medicine and...continue reading.


Ooh, see the fire is sweepin’Our very street todayBurns like a red coal carpetMad bull lost its way(Gimme Shelter, The Rolling Stones) After following this easy tutorial, you will be...continue reading.

another easy Riddler

A quick riddle from the Riddler In a two-person game, Abigail and Zian both choose between a and z. Abigail win one point with probability .9 if they choose (a,a)...continue reading.

RStudio, PBC

We started the RStudio project because we were excited and inspired by R. The creators of R provided a flexible and powerful foundation for statistical computing; then made it free...continue reading.