Monitoring Website SSL/TLS Certificate Expiration Times with R, {openssl}, {pushoverr}, and {DT}
This article is originally published at
macOS R users who tend to work on the bleeding edge likely noticed some downtime at <> this past weekend. Part of the issue was an SSL/TLS certificate expiration situation. Moving forward, we can monitor this with R using the super spiffy {openssl} and {pushoverr} packages whilst also generating a daily report with {rmarkdown} and {DT}.
The Basic Process
The {openssl} package has a handy function — download_ssl_cert()
— which will, by default, hit a given host on the standard HTTPS port (443/TCP) and grab the site certificate and issuer. We’ll grab the “validity end” field and convert that to a date to use for comparison.
To get the target list of sites to check I used Rapid7’s FDNS data set and a glance at a few certificate transparency logs to put together a current list of “r-project” domains that have been known to have SSL certs. This process could be made more dynamic, but things don’t change that quickly in r-project domain land.
Finally, we use the {DT} package to build a pretty HTML table and the {pushoverr} package to send notifications at normal priority for certs expiring within a week and critical priority for certs that have expired (the package has excellent documentation which will guide you through setting up a Pushover account).
I put this all in a plain R script named r-project-ssl-notify.R
that’s then called from a Linux CRON job which runs:
/usr/bin/Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render(input="PATH_TO/r-project-ssl-notify.R", output_file="PATH_TO/r-project-cert-status/index.html", quiet=TRUE)'
once a day at 0930 ET to make this status page and also fire off any notifications which I have going to my watch and phone (I did a test send by expanding the delta to 14 days):
Here’s the contents of
#' ---
#' title: "r-project SSL/TLS Certificate Status"
#' date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d')`"
#' output:
#' html_document:
#' keep_md: false
#' theme: simplex
#' highlight: monochrome
#' ---
#+ init, include=FALSE
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
echo = FALSE,
#+ libs
# Setup -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This env config file contains two lines:
# See the {pushoverr} package for how to setup your Pushover account
# Check certs -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# domains retrieved from Rapid7's FDNS data set
# ( and cert transparency logs
#+ work
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", ""
) -> r_doms
# grab each cert
r_certs <- map(r_doms, openssl::download_ssl_cert)
# make a nice table
dom = r_doms,
expires = map_chr(r_certs, ~.x[[1]][["validity"]][[2]]) %>% # this gets us the "validity end"
as.Date(format = "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", tz = "GMT"), # and converts it to a date object
delta = as.numeric(expires - Sys.Date(), "days") # this computes the delta from the day this script was called
) %>%
arrange(expires) -> r_certs_expir
# Status page generation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# output nice table
DT::datatable(r_certs_expir, list(pageLength = nrow(r_certs_expir))) # if the # of r-proj doms gets too large we'll cap this for pagination
# Notifications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# See if we need to notify abt things expiring within 1 week
# REMOVE THIS or edit the delta max if you want less noise
one_week <- filter(r_certs_expir, between(delta, 1, 7))
if (nrow(one_week) > 0) {
title = "There are r-project SSL Certs Expiring Within 1 Week",
message = "Check which ones:"
# See if we have expired certs
expired <- filter(r_certs_expir, delta <= 0)
if (nrow(expired) > 0) {
title = "There are expired r-project SSL Certs!",
message = "Check which ones:"
With just a tiny bit of R code we have the ability to monitor expiring SSL certs via a diminutive status page and alerts to any/all devices at our disposal.
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