R News from another blog for R community

V is for Verbs

In this series, I’ve covered five terms for data manipulation:arrangefiltermutateselectsummariseThese are the verbs that make up the grammar of data manipulation. They all work with group_by to perform these functions...continue reading.

U is for Useful Trick

This will be a very short post for a line of code I’ve found unbelievably useful as I analyze data for work. I’m working with datasets containing millions of rows...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1139]

A weekly Monde current mathematical puzzle that reminded me of an earlier one (but was too lazy to check): The integer n=36 enjoys the property that all the differences between...continue reading.

T is for Themes

One of the easiest ways to make a beautiful ggplot is by using a theme. ggplot2 comes with a variety of pre-existing themes. I’ll use the genre statistics summary table...continue reading.

S is for summarise

Today, we’ll finally talk about summarise! It’s very similar to mutate, but instead of adding or altering a variable in a dataset, it aggregates your data, creating a new tibble...continue reading.

R is for read_

The tidyverse is full of functions for reading data, beginning with “read_”. The read_csv I’ve used to access my reads2019 data is one example, falling under the read_delim functions. read_tsv...continue reading.