parsnip 0.1.2
We’re happy to announce the release of parsnip 0.1.2. parsnip is a unified tidy interface to many modeling techniques. You can install it from CRAN with: install.packages("parsnip") You can see...continue reading.
We’re happy to announce the release of parsnip 0.1.2. parsnip is a unified tidy interface to many modeling techniques. You can install it from CRAN with: install.packages("parsnip") You can see...continue reading.
We’re very chuffed to announce the release of recipes 0.1.13. recipes is an alternative method for creating and preprocessing design matrices that can be used for modeling or visualization. You...continue reading.
There is a new release of the embed package on CRAN. embed contains a number of recipe steps that can be used to represent predictors using a smaller set of...continue reading.
I’m very excited to announce the ninth and final blog post in the dplyr 1.0.0 series: dplyr 1.0.0 is now available from CRAN! Install it by running: install.packages(“dplyr”) Then load...continue reading.
We’re tickled pink to announce the release of haven 2.3.0. haven allows you to read and write SAS, SPSS, and Stata data formats from R, thanks to the wonderful ReadStat...continue reading.
We’re delighted to announce that tidyr 1.1.0 is now available from CRAN. tidyr provides a set of tools for transforming data frames to and from tidy data, where each variable...continue reading.
We are happy to announce the release of the rules package on CRAN. rules is another “parsnip-adjacent” package that enables a specific class of models within the tidymodels infrastructure. rules...continue reading.
We’re thrilled to announce the new releases of ragg and systemfonts. ragg is a package that provides a modern set of raster devices as alternatives to the ones you know...continue reading.
We’re ecstatic to announce the release of googlesheets4 0.2.0 on CRAN: googlesheets4 is a package to work with Google Sheets from R. Although version 0.1.0 debuted on CRAN in...continue reading.
This post is the latest in a series of post leading up the the dplyr 1.0.0 release on May 15. So far, the series has covered: Major lifecycle changes. New...continue reading.
As you’re hopefully aware, dplyr 1.0.0 is coming soon, and we’ve been writing a series of blog posts about the user-facing changes that you, as a data scientist have to...continue reading.
This post is the latest in a series of post leading up the the dplyr 1.0.0 release. So far: dplyr 1.0.0 is coming soon summarise() is growing select(), rename(), relocate()....continue reading.
Adapted from an internal presentation to the tidyverse team, which tells you something about the target reader. The primary audience for this post is R programmers and, especially, package developers....continue reading.
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of! The site is a central location for learning and using the tidymodels packages. It has a new take on a familiar look:...continue reading.
We’re delighted to announce the release of three new tidymodels packages. These are “parsnip-adjacent” packages that add new models to the tidymodels framework. baguette This package contains basic functions and...continue reading.
We’re happy to announce that usethis 1.6.0 is now available on CRAN. usethis is a package that facilitates interactive workflows for R project creation and development. It’s mostly focussed on...continue reading.
This post is the latest in a series of post leading up the the dplyr 1.0.0 release. So far, the series has covered: Major lifecycle changes. New summarise() features. select(),...continue reading.
Version 3.0.0 of the tibble package is on CRAN now. Tibbles are a modern reimagining of the data frame, keeping what time has shown to be effective, and throwing out...continue reading.
This post is the latest in a series of post leading up the the dplyr 1.0.0 release. So far, the series has covered: Major lifecycle changes. New summarise() features. select(),...continue reading.
dplyr 1.0.0 is coming soon, and last week we showed how summarise() is growing. Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about functions for selecting, renaming, and relocating columns....continue reading.