Rapid dashboard prototyping
I work in a startup called the Smart Data Foundry. We work with financial data to improve society. As a … Morecontinue reading.
I work in a startup called the Smart Data Foundry. We work with financial data to improve society. As a … Morecontinue reading.
Which sectors contribute to Scottish GHG emissions?continue reading.
How would you answer this question? How would you want others to answer this question?continue reading.
Want to learn about automation, improving processes and how to incorporate open tools like Python and R? Want to learn about what open might mean for you, whether you’re looking...continue reading.
Mountain hares in Scotland show increasing camouflage mismatch due to less snowy winters. Mountain hares are one of 21 species … Morecontinue reading.
On 25th Nov I spoke at the EdinbR meetup on using R for ETL, as a larger part of data … Morecontinue reading.
Read on to find out about comparing mortgage costs…continue reading.
Read this to find out about a maths game for home schooling, including some probability in R!continue reading.
Want to see how you can use data science to reduce your energy bills?continue reading.
Slides on spatial analysis of community resilience using R, GRASS and QGIS.continue reading.
Northern Scotland broken GB December temperature records in 2019, how has time affected snow cover?continue reading.
A bump chart showing the evolution of voting in the Midlothian constituency.continue reading.
Want to know the potential impacts of climate change on Scottish snow? Read on!continue reading.
My local authority recently decided to publish all spending over £500 in an effort to be more transparent. Here’s a post taking an overview of what they’ve published. I’ve used...continue reading.
I helped run a conference last week. As part of this I produced a wordcloud from the conference abstracts, although pretty it could have been more informative of the conference...continue reading.