R is for read_
This article is originally published at http://www.deeplytrivial.com/The tidyverse is full of functions for reading data, beginning with "read_". The read_csv I've used to access my reads2019 data is one example, falling under the read_delim functions. read_tsv allows you to quickly read in tab-delimited files. And you can also read in files with other delimiters, using read_delim and specifying the delimiter used. You can also tell R if the file contains column names and whether those should be read in too, using col_names = TRUE.
But there are many more read_ functions you can use:
- read_clip: Data from the clipboard
- read_+ dta, sas, or spss: Data from other statistical programs
- read_json: JSON data
- read_fwf: Fixed-width files
- read_lines: Line from a file
- read_excel: Excel files - you'll also need to include the worksheet name or number
You can find out more about a particular function by typing ?[functionname] into the R console. Or use ?? before to search all of R help for a particular string, such as ??read_.
Tomorrow, let's talk about summarizing data!
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This article is originally published at http://www.deeplytrivial.com/
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