Category: R

riddles on a line [#2]

A second Riddle(r), with a puzzle related with the integer set Ð={,12,3,…,N}, in that it summarises as Given a random walk on Ð, starting at the middle N/2, with both...continue reading.

Playing Map() and Reduce() in R – Subsetting

In the previous post (, I’ve shown how to employ the MapReduce when calculating by-group statistics. Actually, the same Divide-n-Conquer strategy can be applicable to other use cases, one of...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1650]

A penultimate Le Monde mathematical puzzle  before the new competition starts [again!] For a game opposing 40 players over 12 questions, anyone answering correctly a question gets as reward the...continue reading.

How to do linear regression in R

Linear regression. It’s a technique that almost every data scientist needs to know. Although machine learning and artificial intelligence have developed much more sophisticated techniques, linear regression is still a...continue reading.