Install R without support for long doubles (noLD) on Ubuntu
R packages on CRAN needs to pass a series of technical checks. These checks can also be invoked by any user when running R CMD check on the package tar.gz...continue reading.
R packages on CRAN needs to pass a series of technical checks. These checks can also be invoked by any user when running R CMD check on the package tar.gz...continue reading.
I am happy to announce that a new version of afex (version 0.22-1) has appeared on CRAN. This version comes with two major changes, for more see the NEWS file....continue reading.
This is the third part of my blog series on fitting the 4-parameter Wiener model with brms. The first part discussed how to set up the data and model. The...continue reading.
This is the considerably belated second part of my blog series on fitting diffusion models (or better, the 4-parameter Wiener model) with brms. The first part discusses how to set...continue reading.
Stan is probably the most interesting development in computational statistics in the last few years, at least for me. The version of Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo (HMC) implemented in Stan (NUTS, )...continue reading.
Prelude: When you start with R and try to estimate a standard ANOVA , which is relatively simple in commercial software like SPSS, R kind of sucks. Especially for unbalanced...continue reading.
Together with David Kellen I am currently working on an introductory chapter to mixed models for a book edited by Dan Spieler and Eric Schumacher (the current version can be...continue reading.
It took us quite a while but we have finally released a new version of rtdists to CRAN which provides a few significant improvements. As a reminder, rtdists [p]rovides response...continue reading.
I have just submitted a new version of rtdists to CRAN (v. 0.4-9). As I haven’t mentioned rtdists on here yet, let me simply copy it’s description as a short...continue reading.
I have recently restarted working with Stan and unfortunately ran into the problem that my (hierarchical) Bayesian models often produced divergent transitions. And when this happens, the warning basically only...continue reading.