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R oder Python

Data Science Einsteiger stehen immer wieder vor der gleichen Frage: Welche Programmiersprache sollte man als Erstes lernen? Die Wahl fällt meistens auf eine der beiden großen Anbieter, R oder Python....continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1094]

A rather blah number Le Monde mathematical puzzle: Find all integer multiples of 11111 with exactly one occurrence of each decimal digit.. Which I solved by brute force, by looking...continue reading.

Reproducible Environments

Great data science work should be reproducible. The ability to repeat experiments is part of the foundation for all science, and reproducible work is also critical for business applications. Team...continue reading.

Binning with Weights

After working on the MOB package, I received requests from multiple users if I can write a binning function that takes the weighting scheme into consideration. It is a legitimate...continue reading.

FizzBuzz in R and Python

In this post, we will solve a simple problem (called “FizzBuzz”) that is asked by some employers in data scientist job interviews. The question seeks to ascertain the applicant’s familiarity...continue reading.