Category: R

R or Python

Data Science beginners often encounter the same question: which programming language should one learn first? The choice usually falls on one of the two major providers, R or Python. With...continue reading.

RSwitch 1.4.1 Released

A minor update to RSwitch has been released. Apart from some internal code reorganization there are three user-facing changes. First, RSwitch is now notarized! That means you won’t get a...continue reading.

Dummy Is As Dummy Does

In the 1975 edition of “Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences” by Jacob Cohen, an interesting approach of handling missing values in numeric variables was proposed with the...continue reading.

We’re RStudio Certified!

We’re RStudio Certified! Big news. RStudio recently started certifying trainers in three areas: the tidyverse, Shiny and teaching. To be certified to teach a topic you have to pass the...continue reading.