Category: R News

dplyr 0.8.3

Introduction We’re pleased (and a little embarrassed) to announce the release of dplyr 0.8.3 on CRAN ???? ! This is an emergency release, one week after 0.8.2 to fix a...continue reading.

callr 3.3.0

PRE.fansi SPAN {padding-top: .25em; padding-bottom: .25em}; We have just updated the callr package to version 3.3.0 on CRAN. The biggest change in this release is better support for debugging the...continue reading.

ragg 0.1.0

We’re stoked to announce the release of ragg 0.1.0 on CRAN. ragg provides a set of high quality and high performance raster devices, capable of producing png, tiff, or ppm...continue reading.

googledrive v1.0.0

Introduction We’re jazzed to announce the release of googledrive v1.0.0 ( googledrive wraps the Drive REST API v3. The most common file operations are implemented in high-level functions designed for...continue reading.

gmailr v1.0.0

Introduction gmailr v1.0.0 ( is now on CRAN! gmailr wraps the Gmail REST API v3. It provides a variety of funcitons to query your mailbox and create and send new...continue reading.

tidyr 1.0.0

I’m very excited to announce the release of tidyr 1.0.0! tidyr provides a set of tools for transforming data frames to and from tidy data, where each variable is a...continue reading.

devtools 2.2.1

Introduction devtools 2.2.1 is now on CRAN! devtools makes package development easier by providing R functions that simplify and expedite common tasks. R Packages is a book based around this...continue reading.

dials 0.0.3

A new version of dials is on CRAN. The package has contains basic frameworks for managing tuning parameters for models. It is a significant update to the package. The major...continue reading.

Building Tidy Tools

This article is originally published at Thanks for visiting This article is originally published at Please visit source website for post related comments.continue reading.

discrim 0.0.1

The new package discrim contains parsnip bindings for additional classification models, including: Linear discriminant analysis (LDA, simple and L2 regularized) Regularized discriminant analysis (RDA, via Friedman (1989)) Flexible discriminant analysi…continue reading.

styler 1.2.0

We are pleased to announce that styler 1.2.0 is now available on CRAN. The initial version of styler was released in December 2017. Since then, five new versions were released,...continue reading.