R News from another blog for R community

Le Monde puzzle [#1110]

A low-key sorting problem as Le Monde current mathematical puzzle: If the numbers from 1 to 67 are randomly permuted and if the sorting algorithm consists in picking a number...continue reading.

R/Medicine 2019 Workshops

R/Medicine 2019 kicked off on Thursday with two outstanding workshops. It was difficult to choose between the two, but fortunately both presenters developed rich sets of materials that are available...continue reading.

R puzzle

Can you guess the meaning of the following R code “?”=`u\164f8ToI\x6Et`;’!’=prod;!{ y<-xtabs(~?readLines())}%in%{ z<-y[1]}&z>T##&[]>~48bEfILpu If not (!), the explanation is provided in Robin’s answer to a codegolf …continue reading.

R comes to oil + gas

Tools capable of producing rich analytic reports and data visualizations are a valuable resource for decision makers in any field. Dash is an open-sourced based framework for building dynamic web...continue reading.