Category: R

Goodness of fit test in R

As a data scientist, occasionally, you receive a dataset and you would like to know what is the generative distribution for that dataset. In this post, I aim to show...continue reading.

stacked plot in R

Consider the following example: there is a three-stage truck maintenance pipeline. Initially, when a Truck comes to the maintenance service, it is added to the first stage and its status...continue reading.

Vector Search vs. Binary Search

# REFERENCE: # pkgs <- c(‘data.table’, ‘rbenchmark’) lapply(pkgs, require, character.only = T) load(‘2008.Rdata’) dt <- data.table(data) benchmark(replications = 10, order = "elap…continue reading.

Row Search in Parallel

I’ve been always wondering whether the efficiency of row search can be improved if the whole data.frame is splitted into chunks and then the row search is conducted within each...continue reading.