By-Group Aggregation in Parallel
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Similar to the row search, by-group aggregation is another perfect use case to demonstrate the power of split-and-conquer with parallelism.
In the example below, it is shown that the homebrew by-group aggregation with foreach pakage, albeit inefficiently coded, is still a lot faster than the summarize() function in Hmisc package.
load('2008.Rdata') pkgs <- c('rbenchmark', 'doParallel', 'foreach', 'Hmisc') lapply(pkgs, require, character.only = T) registerDoParallel(cores = 8) benchmark(replications = 10, summarize = { summarize(data[c("Distance", "Month")], data["Month"], colMeans, = NULL) }, foreach = { data2 <- split(data, data$Month) test2 <- foreach(i = data2, .combine = rbind) %dopar% (data.frame(Month = unique(i$Month), Distance= mean(i$Distance))) } ) # test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child # 2 foreach 10 19.644 1.00 17.411 1.965 1.528 # 1 summarize 10 30.244 1.54 29.822 0.441 0.000
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