Category: R News

how many Friday 13th?

A short Riddler’s riddle on the maximum number of Fridays 13th over a calendar year, of which I found 9 by a dumb exploration : bi=c(1:31,1:29,1:31,1:30,1:31,1:30,1:31,1:31,1:30,1:31,1:30,1:31) oy=bi[-60] for(j in 0:(length(cy<-c(bi,oy,oy,oy)…continue reading.

tinytest 1.2.4 is on CRAN

Version 1.2.4 of tinytest arrived on CRAN at 17 December 2020. This release has a couple of new features. You can specify the library location in test_package with lib.loc. New...continue reading.