Monthly Archive: March 2018

Tao of Tidygraph

Analysis of one interesting alliance graph within tidy network analysis framework. Quite some time ago I read the fantastic “Tao Te Programming” book by Patrick Burns. You can know this...continue reading.

Semiparametric Regression in R

A. INTRODUCTION When building statistical models, the goal is to define a compact and parsimonious mathematical representation of some data generating process. Many of these techniques require that one make...continue reading.

Exercise dashboard

I posted a while back about using joy plots for heart rate data. Over the past couple of months, I grew tired of opening RStudio every time I wanted to...continue reading.

simmer 3.7.0

The 3.7.0 release of simmer, the Discrete-Event Simulator for R, is on CRAN. It includes several API improvements and bug fixes. Among the former, the new timeout_from_attribute() activity makes it easier and more...continue reading.

pillar 1.2.1

We’re excited to present version 1.2.1 of the pillar package, the package that is responsible for printing tibbles to the terminal. This small release addresses feedback concerning the output of...continue reading.

rlang 0.2.0

We are happy to announce a new version of rlang that features many improvements to tidy evaluation: The quirks in the quasiquotation syntax have been much reduced. Quosures gained a...continue reading.

RStudio Connect v1.5.14

RStudio Connect v1.5.14 is now available! This release includes support for secure environment variables, customizing email subject lines, and beta support for serving TensorFlow models. This release introduces beta support...continue reading.