R News from another blog for R community

spatialsample 0.2.0

We’re positively electrified to announce the release of spatialsample 0.2.0. spatialsample is a package for spatial resampling, extending the rsample framework to help create spatial extrapolation between your analysis and...continue reading.

R Weekly 2022-W25

Hello and welcome to this new issue! How to have (my) content shared by R Weekly? This week’s release was curated by Colin, with help from the R Weekly team...continue reading.

Frank’s R Workflow

Frank Harrell’s new eBook, R Workflow, which aims to: “to foster best practices in reproducible data documentation and manipulation, statistical analysis, graphics, and reporting” is an ambitious document that is...continue reading.

R Weekly 2022-W24

Hello and welcome to this new issue! How to have (my) content shared by R Weekly? This week’s release was curated by Batool Almarzouq, with help from the wonderful R...continue reading.