R News from another blog for R community


The parsnip package is now on CRAN. It is designed to solve a specific problem related to model fitting in R, the interface. Many functions have different interfaces and arguments...continue reading.

styler 1.1.0

styler 1.1.0 is now available on CRAN. This release introduces new features and is fully backward-compatible. It also adapts to changes in the R parser committed into R devel (#419)....continue reading.

styler 1.1.0

styler 1.1.0 is now available on CRAN. This release introduces new features and is fully backward-compatible. It also adapts to changes in the R parser committed into R devel (#419)....continue reading.

R Weekly 2018-48 ozunconf18

Hello and welcome to this new issue! Highlight RStudio 1.2 Preview: The Little Things ozunconf18 – R OpenSci ozunconference 2018 Projects Insights R > Python: a Concrete Example Checklist Recipe...continue reading.

Improving Binning by Bootstrap Bumping

In the post (https://statcompute.wordpress.com/2018/11/23/more-robust-monotonic-binning-based-on-isotonic-regression), a more robust version of monotonic binning based on the isotonic regression was introduced. Nonetheless, due to the loss of granularity, the predictability has been somewhat...continue reading.

Creating List with Iterator

In the post (https://statcompute.wordpress.com/2018/11/17/growing-list-vs-growing-queue), it is shown how to grow a list or a list-like queue based upon a dataframe. In the example, the code snippet was heavily relied on...continue reading.