R News from another blog for R community

gmailr v1.0.0

Introduction gmailr v1.0.0 (https://gmailr.r-lib.org) is now on CRAN! gmailr wraps the Gmail REST API v3. It provides a variety of funcitons to query your mailbox and create and send new...continue reading.

New Version of regtools package

My updated version of my regtools package, tools for parametric and nonparametric regression, is now on CRAN, https://cran.r-project.org/package=regtools It has a number of new functions and datasets. Type vignette(‘regtools’) fo…continue reading.

New Version of regtools package

My updated version of my regtools package, tools for parametric and nonparametric regression, is now on CRAN, https://cran.r-project.org/package=regtools It has a number of new functions and datasets. Type vignette(‘regtools’) for...continue reading.

Dummy Is As Dummy Does

In the 1975 edition of “Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences” by Jacob Cohen, an interesting approach of handling missing values in numeric variables was proposed with the...continue reading.