Category: Statistics

Le Monde puzzle [#1087]

A board-like Le Monde mathematical puzzle in the digit category: Given a (k,m) binary matrix, what is the maximum number S of entries with only one neighbour equal to one?...continue reading.

Direct Optimization of Hyper-Parameter

In the previous post (, it is shown how to identify the optimal hyper-parameter in a General Regression Neural Network by using the Sobol sequence and the uniform random generator...continue reading.

missing digit in a 114 digit number [a Riddler’s riddle]

A puzzling riddle from The Riddler (as Le Monde had a painful geometry riddle this week): this number with 114 digits 530,131,801,762,787,739,802,889,792,754,109,70?,139,358,547,710,066,257,652,050,346,294,484,433,323,974,747,960,297,803,292,989,236,183,040,000,000,000 is missing one digit and is a product...continue reading.