Category: R

Maquereaux et départements

Cette semaine, l’énigme “classique” de FiveThirtyEight (qu’on peut retrouver ici) demande de trouver des mots n’ayant aucune lettre en commun avec un et seul état américain. Par exemple, “mackerel” (le...continue reading.

a new Monty Hall riddle

The Riddler was sort of feeling the rising boredom of being under lockdown when proposing the following variant to the Monty Hall puzzle: There are zero to three goats, with...continue reading.

Rolling some dices

Today, a quick post trying to provide an answer to this week Riddle Classic on FiveThirtyEight : The fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons introduced a system of “advantage and disadvantage.” When...continue reading.