rbokeh Version 0.4.1 Released
The rbokeh package version 0.4.1 was recently released. The most major addition in 0.4 is support for javascript callbacks for custom interactivity, which I’ll provide an example of below and...continue reading.
The rbokeh package version 0.4.1 was recently released. The most major addition in 0.4 is support for javascript callbacks for custom interactivity, which I’ll provide an example of below and...continue reading.
The rbokeh package version 0.4.1 was recently released. The most major addition in 0.4 is support for javascript callbacks for custom interactivity, which I’ll provide an example of below and...continue reading.
Keeping track of versions You work on a project and would like to keep track of what you did. That is why keep old versions of your files. That way...continue reading.
I have always loved learning and thinking about names, how they are chosen and used, and how people feel about their names and the names around them. We had a...continue reading.
Introduction To make analyses work we often need to change the way files look. Sometimes information is recorded in a way that was very efficient for input but not workable...continue reading.
When faced with a new classification problem, machine learning practitioners have a dizzying array of algorithms from which to choose: Naive Bayes, decision trees, Random Forests, Support Vector Machines, and...continue reading.
When faced with a new classification problem, machine learning practitioners have a dizzying array of algorithms from which to choose: Naive Bayes, decision trees, Random Forests, Support Vector Machines, and...continue reading.
In this lesson we will open a .sav file in Rstudio and manipulate the data.frame. We will select parts of the file and create some simple overviews. First time with...continue reading.
Introduction This whole blog is devoted to R and clean coding in R. But what if you want to start with R? There are millions of websites devoted to learning...continue reading.
RStudio is pleased to notify account holders of recent updates to shinyapps.io. Note: Action is required if your shiny application URL includes internal.shinyapps.io What’s New? We have updated the authentication...continue reading.
I saw this analysis at Flowing Data about the most common consumer products involved in hospital ER visits and was delighted, interested, etc. Nathan’s next related post is, um, also...continue reading.
Tips below are based on the lessons I learnt from making mistakes during my years of research. It’s purely personal opinion. Order doesn’t mean anything. If you think I should...continue reading.
This blog post is about feature selection in R, but first a few words about R. R is a free programming language with a wide variety of statistical and graphical...continue reading.
Often we write programs to automate things. The programs range from simple to complex. But in essence, you always do the same thing: You are trying to solve a problem....continue reading.
In a previous post, I used water consumption data from Utah’s Open Data Catalog to explore what kind of users consume the most water in my home here in Salt...continue reading.
We’re pleased to announce that a new release of RStudio (v0.99.878) is available for download now. Highlights of this release include: Support for registering custom RStudio Addins. R Markdown editing...continue reading.
On May 19 and 20, 2016, Hadley Wickham will teach his two day Master R Developer Workshop in the centrally located European city of Amsterdam. Are you ready to upgrade...continue reading.
This is the sequel to the previous report “issues specific to cp932 locale, Japanese Shift-JIS, on Windows“. In this report, I will dig the issues deeper to find out what...continue reading.
A common issue when dealing with more than a few thousand data points is how to effectively make scatterplots. There is a lot of research on this topic that I...continue reading.
I have been working with a data set on causes of death in my adopted home state of Utah for a little while now, and I had been struggling with...continue reading.