Flying Saucers and Bright Lights: A Data Visualization
This article is originally published at
Earlier last week, I taught part 2 of a course on using R and tidyverse for my work colleagues. I wanted a fun dataset to use as an example for coding exercises throughout. There was really only one choice.
I found this great dataset through - UFO sightings reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) through 2014. This dataset gave lots of variables we could play around with, and I'd like to use it in a future session with my colleagues to talk about the process of cleaning data.
If you're interested in learning more about R and tidyverse, you can access my slides from the sessions here. (We stopped at filtering and picked up there for part 2, so everything is in one Powerpoint file.)
While working with the dataset to plan my learning sessions, I started playing around and thought it would be fun to show the various shapes of UFOs reported over time, to see if there were any shifts. Spoiler: There were. But I needed to clean the data a bit first.
setwd("~/Downloads/UFO Data")
options(scipen = 999)
UFOs <- read_csv("UFOsightings.csv", col_names = TRUE)
## Warning: 4 parsing failures.
## row col expected actual file
## 27823 duration (seconds) no trailing characters ` 'UFOsightings.csv'
## 35693 duration (seconds) no trailing characters ` 'UFOsightings.csv'
## 43783 latitude no trailing characters q.200088 'UFOsightings.csv'
## 58592 duration (seconds) no trailing characters ` 'UFOsightings.csv'
There are 30 shapes represented in the data. That's a lot to show in a single figure.
UFOs %>%
summarise(shapes = n_distinct(shape))
## # A tibble: 1 x 1
## shapes
## <int>
## 1 30
If we look at the different shapes in the data, we can see some overlap, as well as shapes with low counts.
UFOs %>%
group_by(shape) %>%
summarise(count = n())
## # A tibble: 30 x 2
## shape count
## <chr> <int>
## 1 changed 1
## 2 changing 1962
## 3 chevron 952
## 4 cigar 2057
## 5 circle 7608
## 6 cone 316
## 7 crescent 2
## 8 cross 233
## 9 cylinder 1283
## 10 delta 7
## # ... with 20 more rows
For instance, "changed" only appears in one record. But "changing," which appears in 1,962 records should be grouped with "changed." After inspecting all the shapes, I identified the following categories that accounted for most of the different shapes:
- changing, which includes both changed and changing
- circles, like disks, domes, and spheres
- triangles, like deltas, pyramids, and triangles
- four or more sided: rectangles, diamonds, and chevrons
- light, which counts things like flares, fireballs, and lights
I also made an "other" category for shapes with very low counts that didn't seem to fit in the categories above, like crescents, teardrops, and formations with no further specification of shape. Finally, shape was blank for some records, so I made an "unknown" category. Here's the code I used to recategorize shape.
changing <- c("changed", "changing")
circles <- c("circle", "disk", "dome", "egg", "oval","round", "sphere")
triangles <- c("cone","delta","pyramid","triangle")
fourormore <- c("chevron","cross","diamond","hexagon","rectangle")
light <- c("fireball","flare","flash","light")
other <- c("cigar","cylinder","crescent","formation","other","teardrop")
unknown <- c("unknown", 'NA')
UFOs <- UFOs %>%
mutate(shape2 = ifelse(shape %in% changing,
ifelse(shape %in% circles,
ifelse(shape %in% triangles,
ifelse(shape %in% fourormore,
ifelse(shape %in% light,
ifelse(shape %in% other,
My biggest question mark was cigar and cylinder. They're not really circles, nor do they fall in the four or more sided category. I could create another category called "tubes," but ultimately just put them in other. Using the code above as an example, you could see what happens to the chart if you put them in another category or create one of their own.
For the chart, I dropped the unknowns.
UFOs <- UFOs %>%
filter(shape2 != "unknown")
Now, to plot shapes over time, I need to extract data information. The "datetime" variable is currently a character, so I have to convert that to a date. I then pulled out year, so that each point on my figure was the count of that shape observed during a given year.
UFOs <- UFOs %>%
mutate(Date2 = as.Date(datetime, format = "%m/%d/%Y"),
Year = year(Date2))
Now we have all the information we need to plot shapes over time, to see if there have been changes. We'll create a summary dataframe by Year and shape2, then create a line chart with that information.
Years <- UFOs %>%
group_by(Year, shape2) %>%
summarise(count = n())
Years %>%
ggplot(aes(Year, count, color = shape2)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1910,2020,10)) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0,3000,500), labels = comma) +
labs(color = "Object Shape", title = "From Flying Saucers to Bright Lights:\nSightings of UFO Shapes Over Time") +
ylab("Number of Sightings") +
theme_economist_white() +
scale_color_tableau() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
Until the mid-90s, the most commonly seen UFO was circular. After that, light shapes became much more common. I'm wondering if this could be explained in part by UFOs in pop culture, moving from the flying saucers of earlier sci-fi to the bright lights without discernible shape in the more recent sci-fi. The third most common shape is our "other" category, which suggests we might want to rethink that one. It could be that some of the shapes within that category are common enough to warrant their own category, while receiving other for those that don't have a good category of their own. Cigar and cylinder, for instance, have high counts and could be put in their own category. Feel free to play around with the data and see what you come up with!
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