Evaluation of time series forecasting using Spark windowing
This article is originally published at https://hameddaily.blogspot.com/
in economics applications where the economists is often interested only in directional movement of variable of interest. As an example in macroeconomics, a monetary authority who likes to know the direction of the inflation, to raises interest rates or decrease the rates if inflation is predicted to rise or drop respectively. Another example can be found in financial planning where the user wants to know if the demand has increasing direction or decreasing trend.
\[\frac{1}{N} \sum_t \mathbf{1}_{ sign(A_t-A_{t-1}) == sign(F_t-F_{t-1})} \]
Toy example
|country| gdp| predicted|year|
| USA|4.470303|5.012966057409855|1950|
| USA|4.734335|4.404831278549317|1951|
| USA|4.826502|4.978599656728077|1952|
| USA|4.981746|5.035932340179457|1953|
| USA| 4.79081|4.853806067158911|1954|
Step 1: window configuration
since we would like to compare each year GDP to previous year.from pyspark.sql import window
windowSpec = window.Window.partitionBy('country')\
as following:mywindow = windowSpec.rowsBetween(-1,0)
Step 2: add last year column to each row
import pyspark.sql.functions as func
df_w = df.withColumn("gdp_last_year", func.first(df.gdp).over(mywindow))\
.withColumn("predicted_last_year", func.first(df.predicted).over(mywindow))
|country| gdp| predicted|year|gdp_last_year|predicted_last_year|
| USA|4.470303|5.01296605740|1950| 4.470303| 5.012966057409855|
| USA|4.734335|4.40483127854|1951| 4.470303| 5.012966057409855|
| USA|4.826502|4.97859965672|1952| 4.734335| 4.404831278549317|
| USA|4.981746|5.03593234017|1953| 4.826502| 4.978599656728077|
| USA| 4.79081|4.85380606715|1954| 4.981746| 5.035932340179457|
Step 3: find the sign of GDP and GDP prediction for each year
data frame, this operation can be done per row. We just need to define a Spark User Defined Function (UDF)
and apply it to all the rows:def f(x):
if x > 0:
return 1.0
return -1.0
sign_udf = func.UserDefinedFunction(lambda x: f(x), types.DoubleType())
df_w = df_w.withColumn("sign_gdp", sign_udf(df_w.gdp - df_w.gdp_last_year))\
.withColumn("sign_predicted", sign_udf(df_w.predicted - df_w.predicted_last_year))
dataframe is as follows:df_w.filter(df_w.country=="USA").show(5)
|country| gdp| predicted|year|gdp_last_year|predicted_last_year|sign_gdp|sign_predicted|
| USA|4.470303|5.012966057409855|1950| 4.470303| 5.012966057409855| -1.0| -1.0|
| USA|4.734335|4.404831278549317|1951| 4.470303| 5.012966057409855| 1.0| -1.0|
| USA|4.826502|4.978599656728077|1952| 4.734335| 4.404831278549317| 1.0| 1.0|
| USA|4.981746|5.035932340179457|1953| 4.826502| 4.978599656728077| 1.0| 1.0|
| USA| 4.79081|4.853806067158911|1954| 4.981746| 5.035932340179457| -1.0| -1.0|
Step 4: calculate the MDA
def indicator_function(x):
if x:
return 1.0
return 0.0
## apply indicator function to each directional prediction
mda_udf = func.UserDefinedFunction(lambda x: indicator_function(x), types.DoubleType())
df_w = df_w.withColumn("MDA", mda_udf(df_w.sign_gdp == df_w.sign_predicted))
## MDA calculation
mda_result = df_w.groupBy('country').mean()
mda_result = mda_result.withColumnRenamed("AVG(MDA)", "MDA")\
|country| MDA|
| GREECE|0.7058823529411765|
| UK|0.6470588235294118|
| CANADA|0.6470588235294118|
| USA|0.7058823529411765|
| ITALY|0.7352941176470589|
| SWEDEN|0.7352941176470589|
| FRANCE|0.7941176470588235|
- [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_Directional_Accuracy_(MDA)
- [2] https://stat.duke.edu/~mw/ts_data_sets.html
- [3] https://databricks.com/blog/2015/07/15/introducing-window-functions-in-spark-sql.html
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This article is originally published at https://hameddaily.blogspot.com/
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