Category: Statistics

poor statistics

I came over the weekend across this graph and the associated news that the county of Saint-Nazaire, on the southern border of Brittany, had a significantly higher rate of cancers...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1111]

Another low-key arithmetic problem as Le Monde current mathematical puzzle: Notice that there are 10 numbers less than, and prime with 11, 100 less than and prime with 101, 1000...continue reading.

R puzzle

Can you guess the meaning of the following R code “?”=`u\164f8ToI\x6Et`;’!’=prod;!{ y<-xtabs(~?readLines())}%in%{ z<-y[1]}&z>T##&[]>~48bEfILpu If not (!), the explanation is provided in Robin’s answer to a codegolf …continue reading.

Dummy Is As Dummy Does

In the 1975 edition of “Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences” by Jacob Cohen, an interesting approach of handling missing values in numeric variables was proposed with the...continue reading.

R wins COPSS Award!

Hadley Wickham from RStudio has won the 2019 COPSS Award, which expresses a rather radical switch from the traditional recipient of this award in that this recognises his many contributions...continue reading.

Improve GRNN by Weighting

In the post (, several advantages of General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) have been discussed. However, as pointed out by Specht, a major weakness of GRNN is the high computational...continue reading.