Category: Rstat

Bayesian thermometer

Salekhard (66.53 °N, 66.67 °E) is located in Yamalia at the Northern end of the Ural mountain range. 95% of the daily average temperatures observed at Salekhard weather station since 1882 fall within…continue reading.

Pencil Scribbles

Con las bombas que tiran los fanfarrones, se hacen las gaditanas tirabuzones (Palma y corona, Carmen Linares) This time I draw Franky again using an algorithm to solve the Travelling...continue reading.

Transpose in Clojure

(require ‘[huri.core :as h] ‘[clojure.core.matrix.dataset :as d] ‘[incanter.core :as i]) ;; FROM MAP OF ROWS TO MAP OF COLUMNS (def byRow [{:x 1 :y “a”} {:x 2 :y “b”} {:x...continue reading.

Clojure Integration with R

(require ‘[tnoda.rashinban :as rr] ‘[tnoda.rashinban.core :as rc] ‘[clojure.core.matrix.dataset :as dt] ‘[clojure.core.matrix.impl.dataset :as id]) ;; CREATE A TOY DATA (def ds [{:id 1.0 :name “name1”} {:id 2.0 :n…continue reading.