Category: Python

Parallelize Map()

Map() is a convenient routine in Python to apply a function to all items from one or more lists, as shown below. This specific nature also makes map() a perfect...continue reading.

rPithon vs. rPython

Similar to rPython, the rPithon package ( allows users to execute Python code from R and exchange the data between Python and R. However, the underlying mechanisms between these two...continue reading.

Fractional Logit Model with Python

In [1]: import pandas as pd In [2]: import statsmodels.api as sm In [3]: data = pd.read_table(‘/home/liuwensui/Documents/data/csdata.txt’) In [4]: Y = data.LEV_LT3 In [5]: X = sm.add_constant(data[[‘COLLAT1’, ‘SIZE1’, ‘PROF2’, ‘LIQ’,...continue reading.

My New Calculator(s)

We all need a calculator from time to time. I used to reach to Start button, type Calc in the Run (or Search) box to get to Calculator app (Windows)....continue reading.