Author: xi'an

more games of life

Another puzzle in memoriam of John Conway in The Guardian: Find the ten digit number, abcdefghij. Each of the digits is different, and a is divisible by 1 ab is...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1139]

A weekly Monde current mathematical puzzle that reminded me of an earlier one (but was too lazy to check): The integer n=36 enjoys the property that all the differences between...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1133]

A weekly Monde current mathematical puzzle that reminded me of an earlier one (but was too lazy to check): If ADULE-ELUDE=POINT, was is the largest possible value of POINT? With...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1134]

A weekly Monde current mathematical puzzle on gcd’s and scm’s: If one replaces a pair (a,b) of integers with the pair (g,s) of their greatest common denominator and smallest common...continue reading.

one or two?

A superposition of two random walks from The Riddler: Starting from zero, a random walk is produced by choosing moves between ±1 and ±2 at each step. If the choice...continue reading.

multiplying the bars

The latest Riddler makes the remark that the expression |-1|-2|-3| has no unique meaning (and hence value) since it could be | -1x|-2|-3 | = 5   or   |-1| – 2x|-3|...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1132]

A vaguely arithmetic challenge as Le weekly Monde current mathematical puzzle: Given two boxes containing x and 2N+1-x balls respectively. If one proceeds by repeatedly transferring half the balls from...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1129]

A number challenge as Le weekly Monde current mathematical puzzle: When the three consecutive numbers 110, 111 and 112, they all are multiples of the sum of their digits. Are...continue reading.

another easy Riddler

A quick riddle from the Riddler In a two-person game, Abigail and Zian both choose between a and z. Abigail win one point with probability .9 if they choose (a,a)...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1127]

A permutation challenge as Le weekly Monde current mathematical puzzle: When considering all games between 20 teams, of which 3 games have not yet been played, wins bring 3 points,...continue reading.

an elegant sampler

Following an X validated question on how to simulate a multinomial with fixed average, W. Huber produced a highly elegant and efficient resolution with the compact R code tabulate(*n, s-n)...continue reading.

Le Monde puzzle [#1120]

A board game as Le weekly Monde current mathematical puzzle: 11 players in a circle and 365 tokens first owned by a single player. Players with at least two tokens...continue reading.

Metropolis in 95 characters

Here is an R function that produces a Metropolis-Hastings sample for the univariate log-target f when the later is defined outside as another function. And when using a Gaussian random...continue reading.