Who is The Average Customer?
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the average customer shouldn’t be that important to you. I’m not writing this to repeat the marketing rhetoric you hear...continue reading.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the average customer shouldn’t be that important to you. I’m not writing this to repeat the marketing rhetoric you hear...continue reading.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the average customer shouldn’t be that important to you. I’m not writing this to repeat the marketing rhetoric you hear...continue reading.
The classic saying “correlation does not imply causation” is still an incredibly important thing to keep in mind when doing data analysis. Spurious regressions will sneak up on you and...continue reading.
Goal of this post: Add principal component analysis (PCA) Refactor using inheritance Convert gradient descent to stochastic gradient descent Add new tests via pytest What we are leaving for the...continue reading.
Goal of this post: Move beyond single linear regression into multiple linear regression by utilizing gradient descent Refactor using inheritance Reconfigure our pytest to include the general case What we...continue reading.
We have now entered part 2 of our series on object oriented programming in Python for machine learning. If you have not already done so, you may want to check...continue reading.
Data scientists who come to the career without a software background (myself included) tend to use a procedural style of programming rather than taking an object oriented approach. Changing styles...continue reading.
Adding data to your database Many people focusing on ETL will eventually be utilizing a database. We will be examining a relational database, SQLite in this case, to store and...continue reading.
Building a report that passes tests At this point, we have seen what our data looks like, how it is stored, and what some basic tests might look like. In...continue reading.
Simple testing of data: columns, data types, values In a previous post, we walked through data exploration / visualization and tests to see if our data fit basic requirements. The...continue reading.
I finished the #100DaysOfCode challenge and it feels great! I will tell you a little a bit about my experience. Top 5 Takeaways: Sitting down and writing code every day...continue reading.
Initial data acquisition and data analysis In order to get an idea of what our data looks like, we need to look at it! The Jupyter Notebook, embedded below, will...continue reading.
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is not always the favorite part of a data scientist’s job but it’s an absolute necessity in the real world. If you don’t understand this process,...continue reading.
Stoltzmaniac Fans – It’s time for a #100DaysOfCode update. I have completed 11 days of the challenge. Let me tell you, it has been a blast and I have already...continue reading.
Starting the 100 Days of Code ( #100DaysOfCode ) challenge I am always looking to boost my coding skills and as I watch everyone make resolutions for the year,...continue reading.
Fertility is something people don’t typically discuss openly in the US, which isn’t a surprise because it is an incredibly personal topic. In fact, it’s really difficult to even write...continue reading.
Not all data analysis tools are created equal. Recently, I started looking into data sets to compete in Go Code Colorado (check it out if you live in CO). The problem...continue reading.
Is George Washington better looking on the dollar bill or represented by a word cloud built with the text of The Constitution of the USA? A colleague recently asked me...continue reading.
Psychology vs. Probability Anyone old enough to remember the Monty Hall problem from the old TV Show Let’s Make a Deal? It’s a classic probability problem – but despite its...continue reading.
Microsoft Cognitive Services Vision API in R A little while ago I did a brief tutorial of the Google Vision API using RoogleVision created by Mark Edmonson. I couldn’t find...continue reading.