A More Flexible Ljung-Box Test in SAS
This article is originally published at https://statcompute.wordpress.com
Ljung-Box test is an important diagnostic to check if residuals from the time series model are independently distributed. In SAS / ETS module, it is easy to perform Ljung-Box with ARIMA procedure. However, test outputs are only provided for Lag 6, 12, 18, and so on, which cannot be changed by any option.
data one; do i = 1 to 100; x = uniform(1); output; end; run; proc arima data = one; identify var = x whitenoise = ignoremiss; run; quit; /* Autocorrelation Check for White Noise To Chi- Pr > Lag Square DF ChiSq --------------------Autocorrelations-------------------- 6 5.49 6 0.4832 0.051 -0.132 0.076 -0.024 -0.146 0.064 12 6.78 12 0.8719 0.050 0.076 -0.046 -0.025 -0.016 -0.018 18 10.43 18 0.9169 0.104 -0.053 0.063 0.038 -0.085 -0.065 24 21.51 24 0.6083 0.007 0.178 0.113 -0.046 0.180 0.079 */
The SAS macro below is a more flexible way to perform Ljung-Box test for any number of lags. As shown in the output, test results for Lag 6 and 12 are identical to the one directly from ARIMA procedure.
%macro LBtest(data = , var = , lags = 4); ***********************************************************; * SAS MACRO PERFORMING LJUNG-BOX TEST FOR INDEPENDENCE *; * ======================================================= *; * INPUT PAREMETERS: *; * DATA : INPUT SAS DATA TABLE *; * VAR : THE TIME SERIES TO TEST FOR INDEPENDENCE *; * LAGS : THE NUMBER OF LAGS BEING TESTED *; * ======================================================= *; * AUTHOR: [email protected] *; ***********************************************************; %local nlag; data _1 (keep = &var); set &data end = eof; if eof then do; call execute('%let nlag = '||put(_n_ - 1, 8.)||';'); end; run; proc arima data = _last_; identify var = &var nlag = &nlag outcov = _2 noprint; run; quit; %do i = 1 %to &lags; data _3; set _2; where lag > 0 and lag <= &i; run; proc sql noprint; create table _4 as select sum(corr * corr / n) * (&nlag + 1) * (&nlag + 3) as _chisq, 1 - probchi(calculated _chisq, &i.) as _p_chisq, &i as _df from _last_; quit; %if &i = 1 %then %do; data _5; set _4; run; %end; %else %do; data _5; set _5 _4; run; %end; %end; title; proc report data = _5 spacing = 1 headline nowindows split = "*"; column(" * LJUNG-BOX TEST FOR WHITE NOISE * * H0: RESIDUALS ARE INDEPENDENTLY DISTRIBUTED UPTO LAG &lags * " _chisq _df _p_chisq); define _chisq / "CHI-SQUARE" width = 20 format = 15.10; define _df / "DF" width = 10 order; define _p_chisq / "P-VALUE" width = 20 format = 15.10; run; %mend LBtest; %LBtest(data = one, var = x, lags = 12); /* LJUNG-BOX TEST FOR WHITE NOISE H0: RESIDUALS ARE INDEPENDENTLY DISTRIBUTED UPTO LAG 12 CHI-SQUARE DF P-VALUE ------------------------------------------------------ 0.2644425904 1 0.6070843322 2.0812769288 2 0.3532290858 2.6839655476 3 0.4429590625 2.7428168168 4 0.6017432831 5.0425834917 5 0.4107053939 5.4851972398 6 0.4832476224 5.7586229652 7 0.5681994829 6.4067856029 8 0.6017645131 6.6410385135 9 0.6744356312 6.7142471241 10 0.7521182318 6.7427585395 11 0.8195164211 6.7783018413 12 0.8719097622 */
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