Why R? 2020 Discussion Panels
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Why R 2020 Discussion Panels are scheduled for this weekend! Check out the post to find out about dates and descriptions of them for 2020.whyr.pl.
Why R? 2020 Discussion Panels
- Why R? 2020 Discussion Panels
- Bioinformatics - Saturday 10pm UTC (2020-09-26)
- Statistical Misconceptions - Saturday 2:45pm UTC (2020-09-26)
- Performance in R - Saturday 4:30pm UTC (2020-09-26)
- Geospatial - Sunday 10pm UTC (2020-09-27)
- Submit your questions for discussion panels
- How to participate?
Bioinformatics - Saturday 10pm UTC (2020-09-26)
Even before the establishment of Bioconductor, R has been a staple tool in bioinformatics. However, with the advent of NGS techniques, the speed and efficiency of computations become one of the most limiting factors of bioinformatics. Can R be reliably used when multi-omics studies are becoming more and more associated with big data? Michal Burdukiewicz, Leon Eyrich Jessen, Riinu Pius, Stefan Rödiger and Gordon Smyth will talk about the current state and future of bioinformatics in R during the Why R? discussion panel.
Statistical Misconceptions - Saturday 2:45pm UTC (2020-09-26)
From Excel spreadsheets to R scripts, data analysis is everywhere. However, its popularity results in many cases of serious misuse. Inflation bias (‘p-hacking’) and incorrect feature engineering (e.g., categorization of continuous variables) are among many potential traps that are often perceived as the proper way to analyze data. During Why R? 2020 discussion panel Małgorzata Bogdan, Jaroslaw Harezlak, Frank Harrell and Olga Vitek will shed some light on common statistical mistakes.
Performance in R - Saturday 4:30pm UTC (2020-09-26)
Description: Is R a slow and memory-inefficient language or does this perception stem from improper usage? How can users avoid such limitations? The aim of this panel is to highlight some less-known performance problems and provide a unique insight into the internal workings of R. Kylie Bemis, Tomas Kalibera, Norm Matloff, Luke Tierney, and Jan Vitek will discuss various aspects of performance in R during the Why R? discussion panel.
Geospatial - Sunday 10pm UTC (2020-09-27)
rspatial is one of the examples of prolific R communities coordinating the efforts to push the boundaries of spatial data analysis in R even further. The aim of this panel is to highlight not only recent efforts of rspatial, but also shed some light on the planned endeavors. Roger Bivand, Dewey Dunnington, Tomislav Hengl, Robin Lovelace and Paula Moraga will talk about the most exciting among existing or forthcoming tools to analyze spatial data in R.
Submit your questions for discussion panels
You can submit your questions using WhyR.pl/slack/ till 25.09.2020.
How to participate?
- Register to get all relevant notifications for participant.
- All talks, besides workshops, will be streamed on youtube.com/WhyRFoundation.
- You can check the detailed agenda on 2020.whyr.pl/plan/.
- For your convenience we setup a whyr.pl/live/ site with talks divided by days.
- Join our whyr.pl/slack/ for the networking.
- You can leave comments and questions on YouTube chat or on relevant Slack channels.
- You can still join Text Mining Hackathon (lasts 24hours 2020-09-23 5pm UTC -> 2020-09-24 5pm UTC)
- Abstracts of talks are available here 2020.whyr.pl/abstracts/
- Check out last seats for workshops 2020.whyr.pl/workshops/
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