Using RcppArmadillo to price European Put Options
This article is originally published at
In the quest for ever faster code, one generally begins exploring ways to integrate C++ with R using Rcpp. This post provides an example of multiple implementations of a European Put Option pricer. The implementations are done in pure R, pure Rcpp using some Rcpp sugar functions, and then in Rcpp using RcppArmadillo, which exposes the incredibly powerful linear algebra library, Armadillo.
Under the Black-Scholes model The value of a European put option has the closed form solution:
Armed with the formulas, we can create the pricer using just R.
put_option_pricer <- function(s, k, r, y, t, sigma) {
d1 <- (log(s / k) + (r - y + sigma^2 / 2) * t) / (sigma * sqrt(t))
d2 <- d1 - sigma * sqrt(t)
V <- pnorm(-d2) * k * exp(-r * t) - s * exp(-y * t) * pnorm(-d1)
# Valuation with 1 stock price
put_option_pricer(s = 55, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05)
[1] 5.52021
# Valuation across multiple prices
put_option_pricer(s = 55:60, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05)
[1] 5.52021 4.58142 3.68485 2.85517 2.11883 1.49793
Let’s see what we can do with Rcpp. Besides explicitely stating the
types of the variables, not much has to change. We can even use the sugar function,
, to keep the syntax as close to R as possible. Note how we are being
explicit about the symbols we import from the Rcpp
namespace: the basic vector type, and
well the (vectorized) ‘Rcpp Sugar’ calls log()
and pnorm()
calls. Similarly, we use
and exp()
for the calls on an atomic double
variables from the C++ Standard
Library. With these declarations the code itself is essentially identical to the R code
(apart of course from requiring both static types and trailing semicolons).
#include <Rcpp.h>
using Rcpp::NumericVector;
using Rcpp::log;
using Rcpp::pnorm;
using std::sqrt;
using std::log;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector put_option_pricer_rcpp(NumericVector s, double k, double r, double y, double t, double sigma) {
NumericVector d1 = (log(s / k) + (r - y + sigma * sigma / 2.0) * t) / (sigma * sqrt(t));
NumericVector d2 = d1 - sigma * sqrt(t);
NumericVector V = pnorm(-d2) * k * exp(-r * t) - s * exp(-y * t) * pnorm(-d1);
return V;
We can call this from R as well:
# Valuation with 1 stock price
put_option_pricer_rcpp(s = 55, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05)
[1] 5.52021
# Valuation across multiple prices
put_option_pricer_rcpp(s = 55:60, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05)
[1] 5.52021 4.58142 3.68485 2.85517 2.11883 1.49793
Finally, let’s look at
RcppArmadillo. Armadillo has a
number of object types, including mat
, colvec
, and rowvec
. Here, we just use
to represent a column vector of prices. By default in Armadillo, *
matrix multiplication, and %
is used for element wise multiplication. We need to make
this change to element wise multiplication in 1 place, but otherwise the changes are just
switching out the types and the sugar functions for Armadillo specific functions.
Note that the arma::normcdf()
function is in the upcoming release of
RcppArmadillo, which is
at the time of writing and still in CRAN’s incoming. It also requires the
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
using arma::colvec;
using arma::log;
using arma::normcdf;
using std::sqrt;
using std::log;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
colvec put_option_pricer_arma(colvec s, double k, double r, double y, double t, double sigma) {
colvec d1 = (log(s / k) + (r - y + sigma * sigma / 2.0) * t) / (sigma * sqrt(t));
colvec d2 = d1 - sigma * sqrt(t);
// Notice the use of % to represent element wise multiplication
colvec V = normcdf(-d2) * k * exp(-r * t) - s * exp(-y * t) % normcdf(-d1);
return V;
Use from R:
# Valuation with 1 stock price
put_option_pricer_arma(s = 55, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05)
[,1] [1,] 5.52021
# Valuation across multiple prices
put_option_pricer_arma(s = 55:60, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05)
[,1] [1,] 5.52021 [2,] 4.58142 [3,] 3.68485 [4,] 2.85517 [5,] 2.11883 [6,] 1.49793
Finally, we can run a speed test to see which comes out on top.
s <- matrix(seq(0, 100, by = .0001), ncol = 1)
rbenchmark::benchmark(R = put_option_pricer(s, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05),
Arma = put_option_pricer_arma(s, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05),
Rcpp = put_option_pricer_rcpp(s, 60, .01, .02, 1, .05),
order = "relative",
replications = 100)[,1:4]
test replications elapsed relative 2 Arma 100 6.409 1.000 3 Rcpp 100 7.917 1.235 1 R 100 9.091 1.418
Interestingly, Armadillo comes out on top here on this (multi-core) machine (as Armadillo uses OpenMP where available in newer versions). But the difference is slender, and there is certainly variation in repeated runs. And the nicest thing about all of this is that it shows off the “embarassment of riches” that we have in the R and C++ ecosystem for multiple ways of solving the same problem.
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