The schedule is out – rstudio:conf 2017
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rstudio::conf 2017, the conference on all things R and RStudio, is only 90 days away. Now is the time to claim your spot or grab one of the few remaining seats at Training Days - including the new Tidyverse workshop.
Whether you’re already registered or still working on it, we’re delighted today to announce the full conference schedule, so that you can plan your days in Florida.
rstudio::conf 2017 takes place January 12-14 at the Gaylord Resorts in Kissimmee, Florida. There are over 30 talks and tutorials to choose from that are sure to accelerate your productivity in R and RStudio. In addition to the highlights below, topics include the latest news on R notebooks, sparklyr, profiling, the tidyverse, shiny, r markdown, html widgets, data access and the new enterprise-scale publishing capabilities of RStudio Connect.
Schedule Highlights
- Hadley Wickham, Chief Scientist, RStudio: Data Science in the Tidyverse
- Andrew Flowers, Economics Writer, FiveThirtyEight: Finding and Telling Stories with R
- J.J. Allaire, Software Engineer, CEO & Founder: RStudio Past, Present and Future
- Winston Chang, Software Engineer, RStudio: Building Dashboards with Shiny
- Charlotte Wickham, Oregon State University: Happy R Users Purrr
- Yihui Xie, Software Engineer, RStudio: Advanced R Markdown
- Jenny Bryan, University of British Columbia: Happy Git and GitHub for the UseR
Featured Speakers
- Max Kuhn, Senior Director Non-Clinical Statistics, Pfizer
- Dirk Eddelbuettel, Ketchum Trading: Extending R with C++: A Brief Introduction to Rcpp
- Hilary Parker, Stitch Fix: _Opinionated Analysis Development”
- Bryan Lewis, Paradigm4: “Fun with htmlwidgets”
- Ryan Hafen, Hafen Consulting: “Interactive plotting with rbokeh and crosstalk”
- Julia Silge, Datassist: “Text mining, the tidy way”
- _Bob Rudis, Rapid7: “Writing readable code with pipes”
Featured Talk
- Joseph Rickert, R Ambassador, RStudio: R’s Role in Data Science
Be sure to visit for the full schedule and latest updates and don’t forget to download the RStudio conference app to help you plan your days in detail.
Special Reminder: When you register, make sure you purchase your ticket for Friday evening at Universal’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The park is reserved exclusively for rstudio::conf attendees. It’s an extraordinary experience we’re sure you’ll enjoy!
We appreciate our sponsors and exhibitors!
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