Some R Conferences for 2022
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The 2022 R Conference season is already underway. Here is a list of upcoming conferences that we know about. If we have missed your conference, please write to us with the details. We will update our list as we receive more information.
(27 - 29) on-line and free - Appsilon Shiny Conference will bring together members from the global community of Shiny developers to learn, network, and collaborate.
(25 - 27) on-line and free - VI International Seminar on Statistics with R, recognized by the R Foundation for its pioneering work with R users in Latin America, SSR is a multidisciplinary event for professionals and students alike.
(3 - 4) Chicago - R/Finance, one of the longest running R conferences, is the primary meeting for academics and Quants using R for finance. This single track event is the place to talk time series, stochastic modeling, and meet some legendary R developers.
(4) on-line - IDEA, The R Consortium working group on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility, will be holding francophone satRdays event. More information should be available on the R Consortium Blog shortly.
(7 - 10) Pittsburgh, PA - SDSS, the Symposium on Data Science and Statistics, will offer R based short courses on spatial statistics and data visualization and likely feature R in a number of talks on computational statistics and data science.
(8 - 10) NYC - R Conference is an R Community institution: excellent talks, nice people, and Spring in NYC.
(15 - 17) Milan and on-line - Insurance Data Science Conference is the conference to attend for to learn about AI, data science, ML, and computational statistics in the insurance industry.
(20 - 23) on-line - useR! now in its 18th year is the official conference of the R Project for Statistical Computing. Keynotes include Sebastian Meyer, Amanda Cox, Julia Silge, Mine Dogucu and will showcase the afrimapr project supports the development of a community of practice in Africa around map-making in R.
(25 - 28) Washington D.C. - rstudio::conf 2022 is back and live and will probably be the biggest gathering in the R world this year. Come for the talks (Keynotes by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel & Julia Stewart Lowndes, Julia Silge & Max Kuhn, and Jeff Leek), for the people, and to see what’s new at RStudio. Registration is open and there is still time to submit a talk.
(27 - 29) BioC 2022, the North American gathering for the Bioconductor project will feature keynotes by Jalees Rehman,Sandrine Dudoit, and Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel). The call for abstracts is still open. The venue has not yet been decided.
(6 - 11) Washington D.C. - JSM one of the largest statistical events in the world, will likely have several R-related talks. There is still time to participate in the program.
(23 - 26) on-line - R/Medicine, an international conference with a devoted following, explores the use of R based statistics and data science tools to improve clinical research and practice. J.J. Allaire and Frank Harrell will deliver keynotes.
(14 -16) - Heidelberg - EUROBIOC 2022 the European Bioconductor gathering will be live. The call for submissions will open soon.
(6 - 8) London - EARL Conference 2022 is a cross-sector conference focusing on the commercial use of the R programming language. Whether you’re coding, wrangling data, leading a team of R users, or making data-driven decisions, EARL will have something to offer you.
(8 - 10) on-line - R/Pharma, a small conference with a big impact, focuses on the user of R in the development of pharmaceuticals.
(26 - 30) Bangalore - IISA 2022 Conference, the annual conference of the International Indian Statistical Association is considering talks on Statistics with R programming, Precision Medicine, Bayesian Spatial Statistics, Statistical Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Python Programming. A half day, hands-on R workshop is also being planned.
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