shiny.fluent Video Tutorial: Building Beautiful Shiny Apps
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Build Beautiful Shiny Apps – A Live Coding Session at BostonR
Thank you to all the attendees who joined Kamil Żyła’s live coding session at the BostonR June meetup! If you missed out on the chance to participate, don’t worry! Check out his recorded presentation below. If you prefer a blog format, our in-depth shiny.fluent tutorial can be found here, or begin with your first shiny.fluent dashboard here.
For more Shiny video tutorials from the Shiny Experts at Appsilon check out our Youtube channel.
In the shiny.fluent tutorial video, Kamil presents the concept behind Appsilon’s new open-source package – shiny.fluent. He also discusses the functionality of shiny.fluent and Appsilon’s shiny.react, which enables the porting of React-based components and UI libraries, like Microsoft’s Fluent. Discover how UI factors into the success of Shiny projects and the power of having a beautiful, enterprise-grade look and a rich set of components without losing Shiny’s quick development speed.
What is React: 1:33
What is Fluent: 2:28
Why use Shiny: 4:02
Installation: 6:00
Resources: 6:35
Live Coding – Sales Demo App: 9:15
Hello World!: 9:48
Show Data in a Table: 11:45
Add a Simple Input: 19:55
Improve Visuals With Cards: 25:10
Use Grid Layout: 31:00
Add Another Filter: 35:10
Add a Bar Chart: 38:25
Q&A: 42:20
We encourage you to check out the shiny.fluent and shiny.react packages on our Github. Feel free to contribute via discussions or by sending a pull request. If you find value in our open-source packages, please consider dropping a star on your favorite packages.
A special thanks to RStudio for co-sponsoring this event with Appsilon and to Rachael D. for organizing and hosting.
To hear more from the Shiny experts at Appsilon, join us this week at useR! 2021.
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Interested in working with the leading experts in Shiny? Appsilon is looking for creative thinkers around the globe. We’re a remote-first company, with team members in 7+ countries. Our team members are leaders in the R dev community and we take our core purpose seriously.
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Appsilon is hiring for remote roles! See our Careers page for all open positions, including a React Developer and R Shiny Developers. Join Appsilon and work on groundbreaking projects with the world’s most influential Fortune 500 companies.
Article shiny.fluent Video Tutorial: Building Beautiful Shiny Apps comes from Appsilon | End to End Data Science Solutions.
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