rstudio::conf(2019) diversity scholarships
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rstudio::conf(2019) continues our tradition of diversity scholarships, and this year we’re doubling the program (again!) to 38 recipients:
32 domestic diversity scholarships available to anyone living in the US or Canada who is a member of a group that is under-represented at rstudio::conf.
6 international scholarships available to residents of Africa, South or Central America, or Mexico.
Both groups will receive complementary conference and workshop registration, and funds for travel and accommodation (up to $1000 for domestic candidates and $3000 for international). At the conference, scholars will also have networking opportunities with past diversity scholarship recipients as well as with leaders in the field.
In the long run, we hope that the rstudio::conf participants reflect the full diversity of the world around us. We believe in building on-ramps so that people from diverse backgrounds can learn R, build their knowledge, and then contribute back to the community. We also recognise that there are many parts of the world that do not offer easy access to R events. This year we identified Africa and South America / Mexico as regions that, broadly speaking, have had fewer R events in the recent past. We will continue to re-evaluate the regions where our scholarships can have the greatest impact and will adjust this program as rstudio::conf grows.
Scholarship applications will be evaluated on two main criteria:
How will attending the conference impact you? What important problems will you be able to tackle that you couldn’t before? You will learn the most if you already have some experience with R, so show us what you’ve achieved so far.
How will you share your knowledge with others? We can’t help everyone, so we’re particularly interested in helping those who will go back to their communities and spread the love. Show us how you’ve shared your skills and knowledge in the past and tell us what you plan to do in the future.
The scholarships are competitive, so please don’t waste words on generalities. Instead get right to specifics about you and your achievements as they correspond to these criteria.
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