R Weekly 2024-W10 patching R, data.table survey, Doom plots
This article is originally published at
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Eric Nantz, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
{ggsankeyfier} 0.1.7: Create Sankey and Alluvial Diagrams Using ‘ggplot2’
{tidyheatmaps} 0.2.1: Heatmaps from Tidy Data
{sanketphonetictranslator} 0.1.0: Phonetic Transliteration Between Hindi and English
{euroleaguer} 0.2.0: ‘Euroleague basketball API’
{tractor.base} 3.4.2: Read, Manipulate and Visualise Magnetic Resonance Images
{raybevel} 0.1.2: Generates Polygon Straight Skeletons and 3D Bevels
- {BayesPPDSurv} 1.0.2: Bayesian Power Prior Design for Survival Data
GitHub or Bitbucket
{verstappenr} 0.1.0: Did Max Verstappen finish first in the most recent F1 event?
{testpkg} 1.0: Experimental repo for offloading an R package’s test suite to a Git submodule
Updated Packages
{sysfonts} 0.8.8: Loading Fonts into R - diffify
{curl} 5.2.1: A Modern and Flexible Web Client for R - diffify
{nominatimlite} 0.3.0: Interface with ‘Nominatim’ API Service - diffify
{shinyWidgets} 0.8.2: Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny - diffify
{GPUmatrix} 1.0.2: Basic Linear Algebra with GPU - diffify
{shinyMobile} 1.0.1: Mobile Ready ‘shiny’ Apps with Standalone Capabilities - diffify
{pointblank} 0.12.0: Data Validation and Organization of Metadata for Local and Remote Tables - diffify
{intendo} 0.1.1: A Group of Fun Datasets of Various Sizes and Differing Levels of Quality - diffify
{simhelpers} 0.2.1: Helper Functions for Simulation Studies - diffify
{RcppCWB} 0.6.4: ‘Rcpp’ Bindings for the ‘Corpus Workbench’ (‘CWB’) - diffify
{namer} 0.1.8: Names Your ‘R Markdown’ Chunks - diffify
{zdeskR} 0.4.0: Connect to Your ‘Zendesk’ Data - diffify
{qrng} 0.0-10: (Randomized) Quasi-Random Number Generators - diffify
{AmigaFFH} 0.4.5: Commodore Amiga File Format Handler - diffify
{parallelly} 1.37.1: Enhancing the ‘parallel’ Package - diffify
{ibmsunburst} 0.1.4: Generate Personality Insights Sunburst Diagrams - diffify
{retrosheet} 1.1.6: Import Professional Baseball Data from ‘Retrosheet’ - diffify
{gpboost} 1.3.0: Combining Tree-Boosting with Gaussian Process and Mixed Effects Models - diffify
{ggraph} 2.2.0: An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks - diffify
{gganimate} 1.0.9: A Grammar of Animated Graphics - diffify
{datasauRus} 0.1.8: Datasets from the Datasaurus Dozen - diffify
{ggedit} 0.4.0: Interactive ‘ggplot2’ Layer and Theme Aesthetic Editor - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
Shiny Apps
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Call for Participation
Updates from the R Contribution Working Group (RCWG):
- Announcing R Dev Day @ PLUS, Austria on Friday 12 July. Application deadline Sunday 24 March.
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Join Us for an Evening of Growth and Grit: Data Mishaps Night
Join our R/Medicine Webinar: Quarto for Reproducible Medical Manuscripts
(March 6, 2024) Master Tidy Finance & Access Financial Data with Expert Christoph Scheuch
(April 17-19, 2024) Get Ready for ShinyConf 2024: Explore Keynotes & Secure Your Spot
Join our R/Medicine Webinar: Quarto for Reproducible Medical Manuscripts
💼 Explore Jobs & Gigs Board on RStudio Community 💼
Simple but attractive (my opinion!)#rstats #generativeart #plotter pic.twitter.com/TKzqs32CMq
— chris (@dickie_roper) March 3, 2024
Quotes of the Week
Teaching the reverse #rstats assignment operator -> 😎 pic.twitter.com/JcNfxVLv5u
— Lucy D’Agostino McGowan (@LucyStats) March 1, 2024
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
This article is originally published at
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