R Weekly 2023-W34 Cleaning Data, Analyzing Data, and Infinite Data
This article is originally published at
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Jonathan Carroll, with help from the RWeekly team members and contributors.
- Taking from Infinite Sequences
- Analyzing new USDA data using open source tools
- Little useless-useful R functions – Goldbach’s conjecture and Sieve of Sundaram
- Can a Simple Multi-Agent Model Replicate Complex Stock Market Behaviour?
- Copernicus OpenEO NDVI time series
- How to Sum Rows in R: Master Summing Specific Rows with dplyr
- How to Check if a File is Empty in R: Practical Examples
- Ordinal Models for Paired Data
- #43: r2u Faster Than the Alternatives
- #41: Using r2u in Codespaces
- Exploring Data Distribution with Box Plots in R
- Mastering Data Approximation with R’s approx() Function
- Exploring the Power of the curve() Function in R
- Solving Systems of Equations in R using the solve() Function
- The substring() function in R
pmax() and pmin(): Finding the Parallel Maximum and Minimum in R
- Tidy Tuesday: Spam mail
R in the Real World
R in Academia
R Users
New Packages
{happign} 0.2.0: Easy acces to IGN data (French National Geographic Institute)
{shiny.emptystate} 0.1.0: Empty State Components for ‘Shiny’ (post)
- {gghdx} 0.1.1: HDX Theme, Scales, and Other Conveniences for ‘ggplot2’
- {dateback} 1.0.2: Collect and Install R Packages on a Specified Date with Dependencies
- {Rgb} 1.7.5: The R Genome Browser
- {itscalledsoccer} 0.2.3: American Soccer Analysis API Client
- {formods} 0.1.1: ‘Shiny’ Modules for General Tasks
- {f1dataR} 1.3.0: Access Formula 1 Data
- {YTAnalytics} 0.0.4: Wrapper for ‘YouTube Analytics’ API
- {lettervalue} 0.1.0: Computing Letter Values
- {easy.utils} 0.0.1: Frequently Used Functions for Easy R Programming
- {codecountR} Counting Codes in a Text and Preparing Data for Analysis
- {ggordiplots} 0.4.2: Make ‘ggplot2’ Versions of Vegan’s Ordiplots
- {lit} 1.0.0: Latent Interaction Testing for Genome-Wide Studies
- {bulkreadr} 0.1.0: The Ultimate Tool for Reading Data in Bulk
- {jqbr} 1.0.3: ‘jQuery QueryBuilder’ Input for ‘Shiny’
- {osmdata} 0.2.5: Import ‘OpenStreetMap’ Data as Simple Features or Spatial Objects
- {screenshot} 0.9.0: Take Screenshots (Screen Capture) from R Command
GitHub or Bitbucket
Updated Packages
- {tidyEmoji} 0.1.1: Discovers Emoji from Text - diffify
- {hash} Full Featured Implementation of Hash Tables/Associative Arrays/Dictionaries - diffify
- {wrapr} 2.1.0: Wrap R Tools for Debugging and Parametric Programming - diffify
- {leaflegend} 1.1.1: Add Custom Legends to ‘leaflet’ Maps - diffify
- {geomapdata} 2.0-2: Data for Topographic and Geologic Mapping - diffify
- {RSQL} 0.2.2: Database Agnostic Package to Generate and Process ‘SQL’ Queries in R - diffify
- {RcppRedis} 0.2.4: ‘Rcpp’ Bindings for ‘Redis’ using the ‘hiredis’ Library - diffify
- {quantreg} 5.97: Quantile Regression - diffify
- {nasapower} 4.0.11: NASA POWER API Client - diffify
- {GMMBoost} 1.1.5: Likelihood-Based Boosting for Generalized Mixed Models - diffify
- {BT} 0.4: (Adaptive) Boosting Trees Algorithm - diffify
- {emayili} 0.7.17: Send Email Messages - diffify
- {fontawesome} 0.5.2: Easily Work with ‘Font Awesome’ Icons - diffify
- {Rlabkey} 2.12.0: Data Exchange Between R and ‘LabKey’ Server - diffify
- {crandep} 0.3.2: Network Analysis of Dependencies of CRAN Packages - diffify
- {languageserver} 0.3.16: Language Server Protocol - diffify
- {Cairo} 1.6-1: R Graphics Device using Cairo Graphics Library for Creating High-Quality Bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), Vector (PDF, SVG, PostScript) and Display (X11 and Win32) Output - diffify
- {audio} 0.1-11: Audio Interface for R - diffify
- {tok} 0.1.1: Fast Text Tokenization - diffify
- {tikzDevice} 0.12.5: R Graphics Output in LaTeX Format - diffify
- {parsnip} 1.1.1: A Common API to Modeling and Analysis Functions - diffify
- {textrecipes} 1.0.4: Extra ‘Recipes’ for Text Processing - diffify
- {rsconnect} 1.0.2: Deploy Docs, Apps, and APIs to ‘Posit Connect’, ‘shinyapps.io’, and ‘RPubs’ - diffify
- {ggspatial} 1.1.9: Spatial Data Framework for ggplot2 - diffify
- {fusen} 0.5.2: Build a Package from Rmarkdown Files - diffify
- {emmeans} 1.8.8: Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means - diffify
- {hockeystick} 0.8.1: Download and Visualize Essential Climate Change Data - diffify
- {uuid} 1.1-1: Tools for Generating and Handling of UUIDs - diffify
- {proj4} 1.0-13: A simple interface to the PROJ.4 cartographic projections library - diffify
- {shinyChatR} 1.1.0: R Shiny Chat Module - diffify
- {pins} 1.2.1: Pin, Discover and Share Resources - diffify
- {jstor} 0.3.11: Read Data from JSTOR/DfR - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 4 – So long, {renv} and Docker, and thanks for all the fish
R Project Updates
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Quotes of the Week
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
This article is originally published at
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