R Weekly 2023-W22 Curried functions, {fusen}, women parliamentarians
This article is originally published at
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Ryo Nakagawara, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
R in Academia
Demystifying Item Response Theory (2/4): IRT as Generalized Linear Models
Edmonton R User Group Meetup: Futureverse - A Unifying Parallelization Framework in R for Everyone
New Packages
{agena.ai} 1.0.0: R Wrapper for ‘agena.ai’ API
{cascadeSelect} 1.0.0: A Cascade Select Input for ‘Shiny’
{kanjistat} 0.9.1: A Statistical Framework for the Analysis of Japanese Kanji Characters
{boxplotcluster} 0.1: Clustering Method Based on Boxplot Statistics
{ggautomap} 0.3.2: Create Maps from a Column of Place Names
{crossvalidationCP} 1.1: Cross-Validation for Change-Point Regression
{sqlHelpers} 0.1.0: Collection of ‘SQL’ Utilities for ‘T-SQL’ and ‘Postgresql’
{covidnor} 2023.05.18: Public COVID-19 Data for Norway
{washi} 0.1.0: Washington Soil Health Initiative Branding
GitHub or Bitbucket
{nosh} 0.1.0: Opinionated Notion API Access
{chattr} Integrates LLM’s with the RStudio IDE
Updated Packages
{gifski} 1.12.0: Highest Quality GIF Encoder - diffify
{areaplot} 2.0.0: Plot Stacked Areas and Confidence Bands as Filled Polygons - diffify
{transport} 0.14-1: Computation of Optimal Transport Plans and Wasserstein Distances - diffify
{igraph} 1.4.3: Network Analysis and Visualization - diffify
{ggdag} 0.2.9: Analyze and Create Elegant Directed Acyclic Graphs - diffify
{targets} 1.1.3: Dynamic Function-Oriented ‘Make’-Like Declarative Pipelines - diffify
{sf} 1.0-13: Simple Features for R - diffify
{gginnards} 0.1.2: Explore the Innards of ‘ggplot2’ Objects - diffify
{learnr} 0.11.4: Interactive Tutorials for R - diffify
{knitr} 1.43: A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R - diffify
{tidyBdE} 0.3.3: Download Data from Bank of Spain - diffify
{h2o} R Interface for the ‘H2O’ Scalable Machine Learning Platform - diffify
{ggblanket} 2.0.0: Simplify ‘ggplot2’ Visualisation - diffify
{cartogram} 0.3.0: Create Cartograms with R - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
Gist & Cookbook
R Internationally
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Access and Analyze the New 2020 Decennial Census Data - June 15th, 2023
Mapping and Spatial Analysis with the 2020 Decennial Census - June 22th, 2023
Building reproducible analytical pipelines in R workshop - June 29th, 18:00-20:00 CEST
💼 Explore Jobs & Gigs Board on RStudio Community 💼
Quotes of the Week
Found this really nice timeline about the history of #rstats.
— Flávia E. Rius (@flaviaerius) May 23, 2023
It is very interesting how #bioconductor is created just one year after the stable version of R.
And RStudio first release happens only in 2011, 4 years after Hadley's ggplot2!
Source: https://t.co/RYoVg3g4Jc pic.twitter.com/u92khLVDEJ
Things that absolutely revolutionised R in the last 10 years:
— Dr Kristian Brock (@CatchTwentyToo) May 23, 2023
- RStudio
- %>%
- tidyverse
- Rmd
- Stan
What am I missing?
Anyone have thoughts about the best way to export a csv file from R in a way that retains leading zeros for a character column? #rstats
— Crystal Lewis (@Cghlewis) May 23, 2023
Thanks for visiting r-craft.org
This article is originally published at
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