R Weekly 2023-W01 Knitr Progress Bar, litr Package, and Morse Code in R
This article is originally published at
Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Sam Parmar, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in the Real World
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
- {ModelMap} Modeling and Map Production using Random Forest and Related Stochastic Models
- {packagefinder} 0.3.4: Comfortable Search for R Packages on CRAN, Either Directly from the R Console or with an R Studio Add-in
- {mdsr} 0.2.7: Complement to ‘Modern Data Science with R’
- {pastclim} 1.2.3: Manipulate Time Series of Palaeoclimate Reconstructions
- {obcost} 0.1.0: Obesity Cost Database
Updated Packages
- {ECOTOXr} 1.0.1: Download and Extract Data from US EPAs ECOTOX Database - diffify
- {unnest} 0.0.4: Unnest Hierarchical Data Structures - diffify
- {shinyWidgets} 0.7.6: Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny - diffify
- {gfonts} 0.2.0: Offline ‘Google’ Fonts for ‘Markdown’ and ‘Shiny’ - diffify
- {comperes} 0.2.6: Manage Competition Results - diffify
- {billboarder} 0.4.0: Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript ‘Billboard’ Library - diffify
- {apexcharter} 0.4.0: Create Interactive Chart with the JavaScript ‘ApexCharts’ Library - diffify
- {precrec} 0.14.1: Calculate Accurate Precision-Recall and ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristics) Curves - diffify
- {simpr} 0.2.3: Flexible ‘Tidyverse’-Friendly Simulations - diffify
- {tidytext} 0.4.1: Text Mining using ‘dplyr’, ‘ggplot2’, and Other Tidy Tools - diffify
- {reticulate} 1.27: Interface to ‘Python’ - diffify
- {r2symbols} 1.3: Symbols for ‘Markdown’ and ‘Shiny’ Application - diffify
- {rvg} 0.3.2: R Graphics Devices for ‘Office’ Vector Graphics Output - diffify
- {reactable} 0.4.3: Interactive Data Tables for R - diffify
- {mongolite} 2.7.1: Fast and Simple ‘MongoDB’ Client for R - diffify
- {rgl} 0.111.6: 3D Visualization Using OpenGL - diffify
- {brinton} 0.2.7: A Graphical EDA Tool - diffify
- {sasLM} 0.9.4: ‘SAS’ Linear Model - diffify
- {geostats} 1.6: An Introduction to Statistics for Geoscientists - diffify
- {blastula} 0.3.3: Easily Send HTML Email Messages - diffify
- {htmlwidgets} 1.6.1: HTML Widgets for R - diffify
- {tidyjson} 0.3.2: Tidy Complex ‘JSON’ - diffify
- {ehelp} 1.2.1: Enhanced Help to Enable “Docstring”-Comments in Users Functions - diffify
- {writexl} 1.4.2: Export Data Frames to Excel ‘xlsx’ Format - diffify
- {tarchetypes} 0.7.4: Archetypes for Targets - diffify
- {officedown} 0.3.0: Enhanced ‘R Markdown’ Format for ‘Word’ and ‘PowerPoint’ - diffify
- {targets} 0.14.2: Dynamic Function-Oriented ‘Make’-Like Declarative Pipelines - diffify
- {jagstargets} 1.1.0: Targets for JAGS Pipelines - diffify
- {openair} 2.13: Tools for the Analysis of Air Pollution Data - diffify
- {clinUtils} 0.1.4: General Utility Functions for Analysis of Clinical Data - diffify
- {officer} 0.5.1: Manipulation of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint Documents - diffify
- {nflreadr} 1.3.2: Download ‘nflverse’ Data - diffify
Videos and Podcasts
[Rich Iannone What’s new and exciting in gt 0.8.0 Posit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bVVX7mzOk8) - Tyler Morgan-Wall - Building an Entire City in R: Interactive 3D Data Visualization with Rayrender
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core:
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
+Weekly R Workshops for Ukraine
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Cross-post for #MapPromptMonday and #TidyTuesday. Leading cause of death by European NUTS 2 regions, trying out the eurostat R package for getting the data.
— Georgios Karamanis (@geokaramanis) January 5, 2023
code: https://t.co/wmpVCKlDLg#Rstats #dataviz pic.twitter.com/S63vJPwRg7
Day 7 of #genuary2023. Color Palette from a favorite movie/album. Mine is Inception. #genuary7 #rtistry #rstats #genartclub pic.twitter.com/iCyVIrwPvQ
— Meghan Harris (@meghansharris) January 8, 2023
Also had lots of requests for this one: a population density map of India. This was by far the longest render.
— terence fosstodon (@researchremora) January 5, 2023
Well, except for furry France, which still holds the record. #rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale pic.twitter.com/uMNDfGl417
Quotes of the Week
PSA: If you're an R user and rely on MRAN for reproducibility, you should know MRAN is getting shutdown. You might want to start migrating to the @posit_pbc package manager which also allows you to use packages as of a specific date like MRANhttps://t.co/QjNGGNuRx5
— Bruno Rodrigues (@[email protected]) (@brodriguesco) January 7, 2023
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This article is originally published at
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