R Weekly 2022-W32
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Hello and welcome to this new issue!
This week’s release was curated by Batool Almarzouq, with help from the R Weekly team members and contributors.
R in Organizations
R in Academia
New Packages
Updated Packages
Videos and Podcasts
Stylizing the appearance of facet labels with ggplot2’s facet_wrap
Visualizing correlation with double y-axes using the ggplot2 R package
Independent samples t-test, Levene’s test, effect size, and normality in RStudio
R Internationally
DsPubs with R 2) Rstudio and Shiny Server Setting in GCP (Korean)
Open Science approach to increase the discoverability of the local research outputs (Arabic by Oman Use R group). The session discusses Communities of practice (CoPs) around R and Open Sceince.
R Project Updates
Updates from R Core: R-devel NEWS
Upcoming Events in 3 Months
Events in 3 Months:
Continuing my journey of using #rstats for #rtistry with another output inspired by Spirited Away.
— Tiffany Wu (@TiffanyxWu) August 4, 2022
Haku #2
Big shoutout to @ijeamaka_a for her amazing tutorial on how to make the coolest circles in ggplot2. Such an inspiration to beginners like myself! pic.twitter.com/vIvGoD9hEV
Quotes of the Week
Just discovered you can create a docker image from for your #rstats project with a one-liner using either the DESCRIPTION file or the `renv` lock file: pic.twitter.com/tdZAYUFzYD
— Philippe Massicotte (@philmassicotte) August 1, 2022
If I ever write a book ...#rstats #dataviz #datavisualization pic.twitter.com/BdprjqIiPd
— Pablo Alvarez (@pablo_alvrez) August 5, 2022
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This article is originally published at
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